How to Secure a VA Home Loan With Bad Credit

Veterans who dream of owning a home can find the VA home loan to be an invaluable resource. Yet, bad credit frequently provokes inquiries into eligibility and feasibility for securing this type of loan.

This article will explore key aspects regarding obtaining a VA home loan with bad credit while also investigating strategies for bolstering your credit score.

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Is it Possible to Get a VA Loan with Bad Credit?

The first question on many minds is whether a VA loan is attainable with bad credit. The answer is yes, but the terms and conditions may vary depending on the lender and other factors.

What is the Minimum Credit Score for a VA Loan?

Defining "bad credit" for a VA loan can be challenging, as different lenders may have varying criteria. FICO, a prominent credit scoring firm, categorizes scores from 669 to 580 as "Fair" credit, with anything below being labeled as "Poor" credit.

However, the specific threshold for a VA loan can differ among lenders. Generally, a credit score of 620 is a common minimum for VA loans, though this can fluctuate based on individual lender requirements, economic conditions, and the desired loan amount.

VA Home Loan Eligibility: Navigating Unique Challenges

When veterans face the financial setbacks of bankruptcy, foreclosure, or a short sale, the implications extend beyond merely having a lower credit score. These negative credit events trigger mandatory waiting periods, also referred to as seasoning periods, which significantly influence VA home loan eligibility.


Veterans who have filed for bankruptcy may encounter specific waiting periods before they can be eligible for a VA home loan. The waiting period duration depends on the type of bankruptcy (Chapter 7 or Chapter 13) and the circumstances surrounding it.

Typically, veterans may face a waiting period of two years for Chapter 7 bankruptcies and one year for Chapter 13 bankruptcies. However, lenders may have their own criteria, and veterans should carefully consider these timelines when planning their homeownership journey.


Veterans with a history of foreclosure also confront waiting periods, during which they may be ineligible for a VA home loan. The waiting period after a foreclosure can vary based on the specific circumstances, such as whether the foreclosure was related to a VA loan or a conventional mortgage.

While VA loan waiting periods are generally shorter than those for conventional mortgages, veterans may need to wait two years or more after a foreclosure before they can qualify for a VA home loan.

Short Sale

Similar to bankruptcies and foreclosures, a short sale can impact VA home loan eligibility. A short sale occurs when a homeowner sells their property for less than the outstanding mortgage balance. Veterans who have experienced a short sale may face waiting periods before they can apply for a VA loan. The duration of these waiting periods varies, and it is essential for veterans to be aware of the specific guidelines set by lenders.

It is crucial for veterans to understand that these waiting periods are not only determined by the type of negative credit event but also by the circumstances surrounding it. Lenders may consider factors such as the reasons for the bankruptcy, foreclosure, or short sale, as well as the veteran's financial behavior post-event.

While VA loan waiting periods are generally more lenient compared to conventional mortgages, veterans should carefully research and choose lenders with requirements aligned with their unique situations.

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So, How Can You Get A VA Home Loan With Bad Credit?

Securing a VA home loan with bad credit can be challenging, but it is not impossible. Here are steps you can take to improve your chances of obtaining a VA loan with less-than-ideal credit:

Understand the Minimum Requirements

Acquaint yourself with the minimum credit score requirements for VA loans. Although a specific threshold is not set by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), most lenders favor at least 620 as your credit score. It's important to note certain lenders might maintain more flexible standards. This might mean you may be eligible for a loan even if your credit score is 500 or even less!

Check Your Credit Report

Acquire your credit report from Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion, the three major credit bureaus. Scrutinize it for errors or inaccuracies. Any discrepancies you unearth can be addressed and disputed. This is a crucial step towards enhancing your credit score.

Demonstrate Financial Stability

Lenders may consider factors beyond just your credit score. Show evidence of financial stability, steady employment, and a reliable income. A stable financial history can help compensate for a lower credit score.

Pay Bills on Time

Timely payments enhance credit history. Set reminders or automate payments for credit cards and bills. Demonstrating reliability through consistent on-time payments positively influences your creditworthiness.

Reduce Outstanding Debt

Lower credit card balances to improve credit scores. Prioritize high-interest debts first and make payments beyond the minimum. Managing credit utilization demonstrates responsible financial behavior to potential lenders.

Establish a Budget

Craft a realistic budget to efficiently manage finances. Categorize income and expenses, distinguishing essentials. By adhering to a well-structured budget, you showcase financial responsibility to lenders and establish a foundation for long-term financial well-being.

Explain Negative Credit Events

If your bad credit is the result of specific events such as medical issues, divorce, or job loss, consider providing a written explanation to lenders. Some lenders may take extenuating circumstances into account when evaluating your loan application.

Save for a Larger Down Payment

A larger down payment can mitigate the risk for lenders, making them more willing to approve your loan despite a lower credit score. Saving for a substantial down payment demonstrates your commitment to the home purchase.

Explore Government-Backed Programs

In addition to VA loans, consider other government-backed loan programs, such as FHA (Federal Housing Administration) loans. These programs may have more lenient credit score requirements compared to conventional loans.

Seek Professional Guidance

Consult with mortgage professionals or financial advisors who specialize in VA loans. They can provide insights into specific lenders' requirements and may assist you in finding lenders that are more flexible with credit issues.

Consider a Co-Borrower or Co-Signer

A co-borrower or co-signer boasting a robust credit profile can boost your loan application. However, remember that the responsibility for the loan is shared with this person. Hence, it is important to emphasize clear communication and ensure consistent fulfillment of financial obligations.

Improve Your Credit Before Applying

If time allows, work on improving your credit before applying for a VA loan. Pay off outstanding debts, make timely payments, and avoid opening new lines of credit. Even a modest increase in your credit score can positively impact your loan eligibility.

Explore VA Loan Specialists

Some lenders specialize in working with veterans and may have more experience dealing with unique circumstances. Consider reaching out to these specialists who understand the intricacies of VA loans and may be more accommodating.

Remember that each lender has its own criteria, and it's essential to shop around for the best terms and conditions. While bad credit may present challenges, taking proactive steps to address your financial situation can increase your chances of securing a VA home loan.

Bottom Line

Securing a VA home loan with bad credit is possible, but it requires careful consideration of lender requirements and a commitment to improving your creditworthiness. By understanding credit scoring, navigating waiting periods, and implementing strategies to boost your credit score, veterans can increase their chances of realizing the dream of homeownership.

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